Rosson Audio Design
Rosson Audio Design RAD-0 #257
This piece has found an owner and been named "Dharma".
Elvis drew a full circle with HiFi and before the loop is just about to close, another path opens into Head-Fi when he discovered the RAD-0. We've known Elvis for a few years now, when he walks in for his weekend coffee and has always picked a headphone to listen to. One weekend, the RAD happened. His jazz playlist came alive, and vocals were textured with the right timbre. The warm, lush mids settled amongst the perfect layering of instruments reminded him of his pursuit in HiFi.
His only complaint: he was trying to save some dollars by picking a pair that's half the price, but his ears wouldn't let him. He failed miserably, but left happily. Seems like resistance is futile sometimes, and we're glad he let Dharma be his.
More importantly, it was right for him and it will be for a long, long time.
We do not archive Rossons that are sold from our page to keep a visual gallery to continue to inspire new RAD owners. If you're interested, click here and look out for those that are without the <ASK THE CREW> tags. You can also reach us directly if there's a look you'd love to have but is already taken.