Mass Kobo Model 433 Headphone Amplifier

$3,499 $3,499

A modern Mass-Kobo built for every budding audiophile coming of age. Model 433 is the Goldilocks of Masuda-san's range, able to offer something to everyone. 

Model 433 is built personally by Masuda-san in Shizuoka, Japan. There, his hand-selection of the top one per cent of matched discrete parts for incredible open-loop gain tolerances yield incredible sound quality.

Inspired by the Model 394 II, Model 433 offers as little as possible in the way of compromises for those seeking the full Mass-Kobo experience. [See Product Desc. For More]


Our Price | $3,499

Product Description

Mass-Kobo's choice of current-mode signal has been around as long as Head-Fi has, and Model 433 calls upon such heritage.

Current-mode amplification eliminates the lag time that might otherwise occur when signal is transmitted in voltage, as it builds up at the capacitances in the circuit – current signal passes through unhindered by comparison, with speed and ease.

By doing away with the issue of transmission delay in Model 433, Mass-Kobo virtually eliminates any of the harshness caused by the intermodulation distortion associated with high capacitance, solid-state circuits.

Model 433 presents music with an iron grip on your transducers, never allowing the slightest note out of control. Any trace of transient smear or note bleed vanishes, from the lowest bass to the highest highs, given the extraordinary damping factor as a perfect voltage source current-mode delivers.

Mass-Kobo presents your favourite music with a zeal and vibrancy that's accurate and still entertaining. Another effect of being unhindered by capacitance in the signal path means that huge signal bandwidth is possible.

Model 433 runs flat from 10hz to 100Khz, with phase response excellently preserved in the human hearing range for startlingly life-like dynamics, impactful bass and realistic portrayal of musical images. 

Indeed, to hear current-mode is to hear a precision to music not encountered before in a conventional circuit, and Mass-Kobo build Model 433 as testament to such a topology.

Current-mode technology excels the more it detects a dead short, so Model 433 only works more happily when presented with sub-30ohm loads from Audeze's LCD-5, Dan Clark Audio's Stealth, Expanse and E3, plus HIFIMAN's latest flagship generation – particularly considering that's backed up by nearly 20 volts of swing for sudden massed orchestral bursts.

Feed Mass-Kobo only the finest signal. Keep your whole chain working in current-mode with Questyle Audio's CMA18. Meanwhile, browse the rest of Mass-Kobo's range to see what you get higher or on the go here – or view the rest of our amplifiers here.

Product Specifications


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