Hidition NT1 (CIEM)
***Please take a moment read through the following guidelines regarding Hidition orders with us. Take a look at our artwork guide here.
A single balanced armature driver allowed Hidition to produce the cohesion of sound they're famed for in such a small footprint – and matching price tag. A worthwhile mid-centric, gentle and delicate introduction to the Hidition sound.
Please email crew@zeppelinandco.com for lookbooks and impressions taking. NT1 can also be bought in universal (UIEM) form. Otherwise, explore the rest of Zepp's Hidition range or view our other custom (CIEM) options here.
/ Photography by Zepp Crew.
+ Additional charges may apply for certain faceplate choices & full shell art.
+ Please reach us directly on WhatsApp at +65-9337-9655 or drop by to talk with us about your artwork choice in mind, or options available.