Audio-Technica ATH-GDL3
Arising from a deep heritage of Japanese analogue audio, Audio-Technica’s high-fidelity ATH-GDL3 takes advantage of its open-back design to deliver a purity of sound that’s all too rare in the gaming world.
The packaging - designed by Australia-based Japanese artist Kentaro Yoshida includes an elemental spirit of air, which can be related to the natural, open-back design of the ATH-GDL3 headset, delivering a spacious, immersive listening experience.
At less than 220 grams, the headset is nearly as light as air, allowing hours of gaming in comfort. But ATH-GDL3 is no lightweight, balancing a depth of bass that belies its open-back nature, while retaining all the advantages of such a design.
If you're gaming on the go, be sure to check out Audio-Technica's closed-back ATH-GL3 or ATH-G1, or browse the rest of their headphones here.