DCS Lina Master Clock
The Lina master clock is a product inspired by dCS Data Conversion Systems' absolute dedication to achieving the highest possible standards of sound reproduction.
Headfonia didn't do a very good job, trying to prevent their jaw from dropping at Lina's performance. Lina saw Headphone Guru's headphones replace his speakers over a month of testing. She was a Hi-Fi News Outstanding Product.
Design of Lina clock, to operate in tandem with Lina network DAC connected by dual BNCs, is informed by dCS experience developing master clocks for professional and home use. Headfonics clearly heard an improvement, certainly in a way he didn't miss Rossini clock.
READ ALSO Lina a timely addition to dCS heritage
Designed to further suppress jitter and phase noise in Lina DAC, it uses two oven-controlled crystal oscillators to deliver a precise and stable clocking reference for all audio formats and frequencies. [See Product Desc. For More]